Top 5 lessons I've learned so far about marriage
Many lessons have crossed my desk in this school we call life but below are the ones that float to the top for me about being a good partner thus far. I thought they were worth sharing! I know there will be many more to learn in the coming years.
1. You do not have to "get it":
Paula was right. Opposites attract! He is an introvert and I am an extreme extro! He loves sports and I consistently loose track of how many downs we have left before the other team gets a turn or whatever (because I do not care). He needs his time alone and I heart people around me. You get the point. We are oh so different but it works. Keeping each other's preferences in mind and not taking them personally is a true skill. It takes practice. Appreciating your differences does not mean you have to understand them.
2. Teamwork is sexy:
Once we became parents the importance of teamwork tripled. When you have a partner who truly shares in all the duties a full life entails, your heart responds accordingly. Nothing shows love for one another or ignites the flame quite like good ole fashion teamwork. Check please!
3. Cherish each other:
Cheesy but true. We both know from personal experience just how fragile life is... We talk about it often. We have seen it firsthand. You just truly never know when your time is up. So squeeze each other just a little bit longer and say what you feel just a little bit more often.
4. Find the time to reconnect:
One thing we DO have in common is that we like to talk to each other. It is important to check in, even if that means staying up a little later than usual. The amount of time doesn't matter but the act of reconnecting before the busy day is done does. Supporting one another is essential and it feels gooooood.
5. Fan the flame:
Flirt your booties off! Joke around, send unexpected sweet text messages, tickle each other, whatever does "it" for you. Flirting is fun! Do not stop! Ever.
A good, healthy marriage is truly the gift that keeps on giving. One thing I know for sure is who you choose to share your life with is THE most important decision you will ever make. Period. It affects so many aspects of your life that I can't even begin to list them all! Choose wisely. If you do, you will thank yourself daily. Promise.